What Europe owes to Islam
Rolf Bergmeier
Saturday, May 23, 2015 10:55pm
It is pointed out in this lecture that, on account of the abiding theme "Integration" and "coexistence with muslims" the merits of the golden years between the 7th and 14th century were the preservation of the Greek-Roman culture for Europe. These references create commonalities and complementary goodwill.This subject matter is not known in the general public, though it is scientifically secured. Bergmeier’s speech will provide proof of historical commonalities. Rolf Bergmeier, born 1940, is married and father of two sons. He is an agnostic. His career started with the German armed forces, followed by IT studies at a company specializing in mathematics and data processing. Next he became an analyst for the software industry. At the university in Mainz, he studied antique history and philosophy. Since 2000 he researches and compares antique, Christian and Arabian culture of the Middle Ages His publications since 2009 are: Requiem fur die antike Kultur (requiem for the antique culture), a contribution to: Aufklärung und Kritik, hrsg. von der Gesellschaft für kritische Philosophie, 2009 (enlightenment and critic, published by the society for critical philosophy, 2009), Konstantin und die wilden Jahre des Christentums. Die Legende vom ersten christlichen Kaiser, 2010. (Constantine and the wild years of Christianity. The legend of the first Christian emperor, 2010). Schatten über Europa. Der Untergang der antiken Kultur, 2012 (Shadow over Europe. The demise of the antique culture, 2012), Christlich-abendländische Kultur. Über die antiken Wurzeln, den unterschätzten arabischen Beitrag und die Überbewertung der Klosterkultur, 2014. (Christian-Occidental Culture: About the ancient roots, the underrated Arabic contribution and the overrated monastic culture, 2014.) In preparation is: Charles. Wider die Glorifizierung des Gewöhnlichen. (Carl. Against the glorification of the ordinary)